If you’re in the Tulsa area, join me for the official Rules for Thieves launch and signing! Saturday, June 10th from 2-4 pm at the Woodland Plaza Barnes and Noble. Come chat with me, get your book signed, and grab some free swag! For more info, check out the event on Facebook. To pre-order your copy of the book in …
Rules for Thieves teasers
I’m releasing one teaser a week until release day on June 6! Stay tuned for more!
ARC Giveaway!
April 24, 2017 The Aladdin Super Summer SFF Giveaway is here! I’m giving away a signed ARC of Rules for Thieves! Plus, three of my fellow Aladdin debut authors are giving away signed ARCs of their amazing books! Other prizes include a Barnes and Noble gift card and a swag pack (including bookmarks for all 3 books pictured and a …
ARCs are here!
February 17, 2017 Exciting news today: advance copies of RULES FOR THIEVES are here!!!! Look at how pretty they are! And check out the back cover: I’m beyond excited to see Thieves as a real book! With as gorgeous as these ARCs are, I can’t even imagine how pretty the finished hardcovers will be. I’ll have more info …
Cover Reveal and Pre-order!
October 12, 2016 I have so much exciting news to share today! The Rules for Thieves cover is live, and the book is available for pre-order! Take a look at this amazing cover!! The initial first look at the cover was hosted over on Middle Grade Minded. The post also features the cover reveals for two other amazing middle grade debut …
August Updates
August 8, 2016 I have a few quick updates to share this month! First, I’m so excited to be a member of the Class of 2k17, a group of 20 young adult and middle grade authors with debut novels releasing in 2017. You can find out more about us and our books at our new website, classof2k17.com. Also, in honor of …
Interview with Judi Lauren!
June 15, 2016 I recently did an interview with author Judi Lauren as part of her Writer Wednesday series! We talked about my inspiration for Rules for Thieves, how I got my agent, the submission process, and much more! Check it out on Judi’s site: http://judilauren.com/writer-wednesday-interview-with-alexandra-ott/
Interview with Dee Romito!
May 10, 2016 I recently interviewed author Dee Romito about her contemporary MG debut The BFF Bucket List! We chatted about everything from her writing process to sponge candy and travel destinations. You can check out the full interview over on the Swanky Seventeens site.
Quick Updates
I have a few quick updates to share this month! 1. Rules for Thieves is on Goodreads! You can add it to your TBR here, and you can also follow my shiny new Goodreads author page. Plus, Rules for Thieves has made its way onto a few Goodreads lists for upcoming children’s books. Check them out to see all of the great upcoming YA/MG …
Hello and welcome to my new author website! This is where I’ll be sharing updates on my book news and events. Things are a little bare right now, but more info will be coming soon. Take a look around and let me know what you think! And while you’re here, why not sign up for my email newsletter? You’ll get …